
01 Jun '17

Special status municipalities: All smoke and mirrors
door Luc Vanheerentals

Relations seem to be changing for the better in some municipalities with language facili-ties, thanks to the arrival of a younger generation of French-speaking politicians. However, appearances are often deceptive.
01 Nov '14

Something old and something new
door Michaël Bellon

Old and young alike is a fitting description for the atmosphere experienced in ‘t Hoeksken in Wemmel. The nostalgic setting reflects a long history but the dynamic management – fourth generation in a direct line of descent – effortlessly succeeds in combining tradition and innovation.
21 Oct '14

Something old and something new
door RK

Old and young alike is a fitting description for the atmosphere experienced in ‘t Hoeksken in Wemmel. The nostalgic setting reflects a long history but the dynamic management - fourth generation in a direct line of descent - effortlessly succeeds in combining tradition and innovation