
19 Nov '12

Political impact of land use planning
door RK

Twelve years ago the run-up to the municipal elections in Overijse turned out to be an eventful time. The upshot was that the Christian Democrats lost 7 seats, while Dirk Brankaer's small Overijse 2002 list increased its number of seats from three to nine.
17 Sep '12

‘I compete against myself’
door RK

The fastest marathon runner in the country lives in Asse. A great place for running, according to Lander Van Droogenbroeck (29).
17 Sep '12

Launch of farming/market gardening co-op
door RK

Farmers, market gardeners and people making traditional-style products in the Pajottenland have set up a co-operative to promote their wares and deliver them to customers in a more focused way.
17 Sep '12

A builder having a whale of a time
door RK

‘I forgot to keep my eye on the time', is an excuse the Polish-born Andrzej Wachowicz from Zaventem cannot use when he is late for an appointment. Fifteen clocks, watches and timepieces can be seen lying, standing and hanging in his living room, office and kitchen.
28 Aug '12

Coalition-building in the municipalities
door RK

What the political landscape will look like in most municipalities after the forthcoming local elections is an open-and-shut case. Parties forge preliminary agreements and, providing there is no…
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