01 Feb '20

Seeing things in a different light

door Nathalie Dirix

‘Rather than just telling your own story, it’s just as important to look at other people’s backgrounds so as to be able to gain another perspective. People need to be prepared in life to deal with both certainties and uncertainties. You want to know where you stand and the direction you are taking, while bearing in mind that this kind of knowledge is no more than an illusion, offering no certitude at all. Certainty and uncertainty are permanent features of our lives. You need to be willing to realise this. The art of living is looking at the world with an open mind, so that you not only see what is front of you but also consider how you can look at the world from a different perspective. Self-interest is not the only motivating factor for human beings. Compassion, kindness and hospitality are also part of our human nature.’