01 Sep '19

Compiling a religious heritage list

door Gerard Hautekeur
‘The Sint-Pieter-in-Banden Church in Oudenaken is due to be assigned a new purpose, according to the policy adopted for the seven churches in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw.

This neo-Gothic building ceased worship in 2017 but has still been used for cultural activities from time to time. When churches are being redeveloped any consideration of the movable heritage they contain is often left to a later stage of the process but not in this case. As part of the redeployment initiative a group of volunteers set about compiling a list of movable religious heritage,’ says Birgit Scheys-Thys from the Pajottenland & Zennevallei Heritage Unit. ‘Many religious objects in the church have an art or cultural-historical value. It is important for the inventory to be completed in a well-organised way. The idea is to describe, measure, photograph and number every single item.’