01 Jun '19

Higher risk of flooting  

door Luc Vanheerentals
Larger rivers are set to reach or exceed the critical water level one-third more often by 2100 and smaller ones twice as often, with the percentage of buildings that can be flooded rising from 25% to 41%.

 A 50% increase in flood damage is expected by 2050, while the present level of rainfall is already 13% higher than when records started being kept in 1833. This development is clearly apparent in the Vlaamse Rand. Despite investments in buffer basins, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw (Zuunbeek), Beersel (Molenbeek), Wemmel and Grimbergen (Maalbeek), Merchtem (Grote Molenbeek and Kleine Molenbeek), Machelen (Woluwe),... are experiencing more flooding nowadays than in the past. For this reason, no fewer than sixteen alerts were issued during the 2011-2018 period in Flemish Brabant. What is the solution?