21 May '14

Cementing bonds
over a friendly drink

door Michaël Bellon
In de oude smis van Mekingen is a splendid old cafe whose tininess adds to its charm. You find yourself joining in the conversation of the other customers as soon as you enter the door. The pendulum clock has literally stood still in this 167-year-old establishment.

In de oude smis van Mekingen is a splendid old cafe whose tininess adds to its charm. You find yourself joining in the conversation of the other customers as soon as you enter the door. The pendulum clock has literally stood still in this 167-year-old establishment with its antique tiled floor, where the paths and words of numerous people are constantly crossing each other. The cafe boasts only five tables. Everyone sits right in front of each other on one of the benches against the wall and everyone is caught up in the conversation for the length of their stay. The lady of the house Annie grew up in the cafe, which has been run by her family for several generations. She has been behind the bar for 36 years now and is planning to keep on working for quite a while. But who takes over after her is anybody's guess. (RK, jun 2014)

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