20 Dec '13

Immortalising their mother

door RK
Bursting with conviction, Rebekka and Epiphany Vanderhaeghen were making their own way in life when they suddenly lost their mother. The fashion designer Kaat Tilley died of a pneumococcal infection without any warning in the summer of 2012.

Bursting with conviction, Rebekka and Epiphany Vanderhaeghen were making their own way in life when they suddenly lost their mother. The fashion designer Kaat Tilley died of a pneumococcal infection without any warning in the summer of 2012. Both in their 20s, the daughters took what seemed to them to be the most logical course of action. They immediately took their mother's business over. ‘It has to continue to exist.’ No mean feat considering Kaat Tilley had taken a lot on herself in recent years looking after both the creative and business side of things. Within the space of three months they had managed to draw up a business plan. A good year and a half after the death of their mother, they have unveiled their new collections. Rebekka: ‘This was a tremendous learning experience. You can get very close to a person and her collections in terms of style and feeling but we had no idea at all how to deal with the technical side of producing a collection.’ (RK, jan 2014)