01 Oct '15

‘Investing in renewal and growth’

door Bart Claes

A spectacular level of growth equal to 8.6% during the first seven months of this year is reported by Brussels Airport. The Zaventem-based hub catered for 2.5 million passengers from all over the world in July, breaking all the records. And what about the aircraft noise issue and regional airports? Arnaud Feist, CEO at Brussels Airport, has been fully committed since 2010 to renewal and growth. This year saw the opening of a new connecting building (Connector) between the terminal and Pier A, along with the new protocol building to receive high-ranking visitors. The 10,000 seats available for the airport premises have been renewed, the arrival area is being refurbished and the runaways are being renovated. ‘Another aim is to have various real estate schemes launched by 2040 so that Brussels Airport may continue to develop as a fully-fledged Airport Business District.’ (RK, okt 2015)

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