01 Apr '16


door Luc Vanheerentals
Flemish Brabant is set to have a net zero carbon footprint by 2040, according to the provincial authority, citing a study to confirm the plan's technical and social feasibility. Towards this end, the municipal authorities are being called upon to achieve a 20% cut in their CO2 emissions by 2020.

Fifty-nine Flemish Brabant municipalities have so far undertaken to meet the requirement, while 42 action plans have been approved. The Flemish rand municipalities that have drawn up a climate action plan are: Asse, Beersel, Dilbeek, Grimbergen, Hoeilaart, Kraainem, Machelen, Meise, Merchtem, Overijse, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Tervuren, Vilvoorde and Wezembeek-Oppem.

Zaventem's action plan is due to be rubber-stamped in May, while Drogenbos and Wemmel still do not have such a scheme and Linkebeek has not yet signed its commmitment. 'The targets cannot be achieved without the support of municipalities, businesses, knowledge-based institutions, civil society and citizens', stresses Tie Roefs (Groen – Green Party), provincial delegate for the Environment and Sustainability. (RK, apr 2016)

