21 Jan '13

‘The right piece of jewellery'

door RK
It was nearly 25 years ago that the goldsmiths Krista and Grety Vandevelde starting working together in their impressive Grimbergen workshop. The items they produce there may form one single collection but they each have their own signature.

It was nearly 25 years ago that the goldsmiths Krista and Grety Vandevelde starting working together in their impressive Grimbergen workshop. The items they produce there may form one single collection but they each have their own signature. Apart from their non-commissioned work Krista and Grety also create designs on the instructions of customers. A completely different way of operating with a special charm. ‘You design with the customers in attendance. You have to be attentive to their requirements, and decide what suits the shape of the face and neck, the colour of the eyes, hair and skin before getting down to work.’ The two sisters are absolutely delighted when they find a piece of jewellery that matches a customer perfectly. (RK, feb 2013)