23 Mar '14

Rie van Pol's café

door Michaël Bellon
An old white house with a tiny yard and a tiny shed can be seen to the right of the church on Mollem village square. This old cafe is now acknowledged as being something of an institution. Unesco should have it listed as a world heritage site.

An old white house with a tiny yard and a tiny shed can be seen to the right of the church on Mollem village square. This old cafe is now acknowledged as being something of an institution. Unesco should have it listed as a world heritage site. Or rather, no, it is perhaps better just to leave Rie van Pol and his customers alone, He is 92 years old, has to use a walking stick to get about and only hears in one ear but Rie still converses with his customers, who turn up here as regular as clockwork. One euro is the average price for a drink here, where everything is poured straight from the bottle. All you have to do is listen to the people chatting in their local dialect, which lends a somewhat mysterious air to all their conversations. (RK, apr 2014)

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