29 Aug '14

Interaction is paramount

door RK
There is a very good reason for the Hungarian cultural institute in Brussels being called the Balassi Institute. Balint Balassi was a famous Renaissance lyric poet with a great affinity for Hungary, Europe and the rest of world. A citizen of the world.

There is a very good reason for the Hungarian cultural institute in Brussels being called the Balassi Institute. Balint Balassi was a famous Renaissance lyric poet with a great affinity for Hungary, Europe and the rest of world. A citizen of the world. ‘We are keen to reach out to Hungarians working in Brussels but we are also anxious to bring the people of Flanders, Brussels, Wallonia  and  other parts of Europe into contact with our culture. Hence the importance of promoting cultural activities that open doors’, says Vitezy Zsofia, head of the Balassi Institute. ‘Even more important  is facilitating the interaction between the general public and Hungarian artists. Entering into a dialogue helps to stir interest among people, makes them pause to think and creates a deeper awareness.’ (RK, sep 2014)