01 Mar '18

Dynamic policymaking for the Rand

door Tina Deneyer
Mobility and living together are the key challenges facing the Flemish Rand. There is no real sense of a Rand identity, although there is some cohesion in sub-regional areas such as the Druivenstreek (Grape-growing region).

Brussels is both a blessing and a curse, according to a report by the BRIO Brussels Research Centre and the Documentation Centre for the Flemish Rand. They conducted a survey among mayors and other stakeholders in a bid to identify the challenges, weaknesses and strengths of the 19 Rand municipalities. Extensive population pressure from outside is also a major concern. Surprising enough, safety and community issues are way down on the list of priorities. Several contradictions have also come to light. For example, the village-like atmosphere is mentioned as a strong point, as is being near to Brussels. The authors of the report claim that in order to be able to provide an appropriate response to the Flemish Rand’s challenges, future policy-making will have to be different and, above all, more dynamic.

