01 Jun '23

Discovering your personal red line

door Anne Peeters
A quick quiz. What do you know about Jos Donvil? He is the CEO of bpost, a former CEO of the football club RSC Anderlecht, the chairman of the Royal Football Club Wambeek-Ternat, studied economics at KULeuven, and is a highly motivated volunteer. Well, not bad at all.

Where do you get the energy you need for all the things you do? ‘The most important thing is to have a positive outlook on life. I always see the glass as half full and firmly believe in the ability to effect change. I wake up in the morning looking forward to starting my workday. That’s where it all begins. Moreover, I derive genuine enjoyment from my work and value the importance of remaining committed. That is the guiding principle of my life. As I was growing up, my family instilled in me their own strong sense of commitment, While I obviously strive for balance in my life, I understand the importance of knowing your own personal red line.’