01 Nov '17

over future airport

door Luc Vanheerentals
Eager to roll out an extension and modernisation process, the Brussels Airport Company (BAC) has developed a strategic vision to decide where Zaventem Airport should be by the year 2040.

The plan is now being discussed under the Forum 2040 heading with representatives of local authorities, local residents, campaigning groups, companies and experts. The BAC vision is beset by a barrage of conflicting views. Employers and trade unionists are keen on the plan, while local residents, campaigning groups and local authorities are expressing reservations.

‘The discussions will help to take stock of the various opinions and perspectives but offer no opportunity for an optimum participation scheme that can actually boost the level of support the plan for the future enjoys amongst inhabitants and other stakeholders’, according to the Flemish Brabant Platform for the Airport Area.

BAC stresses that Forum 2040 is not supposed to provide a framework for negotia-tions but to create a consultation platform where all sides can learn about the various approaches and concerns. In the final analysis, it is up to the politicians to take the decisions. 

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