17 Sep '12

A builder having a whale of a time

door RK
‘I forgot to keep my eye on the time', is an excuse the Polish-born Andrzej Wachowicz from Zaventem cannot use when he is late for an appointment. Fifteen clocks, watches and timepieces can be seen lying, standing and hanging in his living room, office and kitchen.

‘I forgot to keep my eye on the time', is an excuse the Polish-born Andrzej Wachowicz from Zaventem cannot use when he is late for an appointment. Fifteen clocks, watches and timepieces can be seen lying, standing and hanging in his living room, office and kitchen. Andrzejs' slightly out-of-hand pastime is literally gaining ground in his home. The living room has looked very much like a workshop since the time this enthusiast agreed to repair his wife Barbara's antique clock and got bitten by the bug. He served an apprenticeship with his watchmaker friend Jozef Op de Beeck from Mechelen and is now restoring clocks for the Watchmaker's Museum. Building may be a more robust profession than repairing clocks and watches but it still calls for accuracy. Now a Belgian national, this Polish-born citizen arrived here in 1992 looking for work. (RK, okt 2012)